Drone filming in the mountains is quite a risky business, but the video from the copter is mesmerizing in its beauty. On a good quadcopter, you can fly to places where you...
Our video production company received an offer to shoot a music video for the indie band Mikromusic – Tenderness, which was a pleasant opportunity for us to work with our favorite Polish...
We wanted to shoot a documentary about the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in the city of Auschwitz from the moment we arrived in Poland. This is a place of pain for many nations,...
Our music video for the rap artist IСEON – Michelle looks interesting and was written according to the script of two young directors. Despite its apparent simplicity, the story contains a deep...
The video for YouTube was filmed in Braslav and its environs back in 2021. Why did we choose this region for filming, given that it is so far away? Simply because it...
Shooting a music video for a rock artist from Azerbaijan Milan Mamedov – Inseparable was not an easy task, since our video production had not yet worked with musicians from this region...
Our team shot a rap music video for two musicians. This was the team’s first video filmed for musicians of this genre. A collaboration of performers BRATUBRAT and TRUEten from two countries...
Shooting a music video for the folk metal band IRDORATH – Werewolf was an unusual challenge for the entire team. Our video production company moved to the border of Poland and Germany...