
Our music video production company based in Warsaw, Poland. For our team, shooting music videos has become a favorite endeavor. We work with artists from various music genres, always finding a unique approach for each performer. No matter where you are in Europe, we can create a fantastic music video for you.

Watch the video

Tap in­to our music video pro­duc­tion services to craft con­tent that will imp­ress eve­ry­one, es­pe­ci­al­ly your grandma.

We are ready to create a video that fully captures your inner world

Music video production company

Our music video production company can film clips in a studio or at various locations throughout the city. We offer music video services to artists in Poland and throughout Europe. Our music video production services are both affordable and customer-focused. This means that we can customize your script, props, location, and other requirements to suit your specific budget.

Our music video production company is ready to get creative! Whether your goal is to shoot a vintage clip in pseudo-historic settings, capture the dynamics of the urban landscape, or make a music video where nature blends in with the music in subtle ways, we’ll help you out!

To order a music video, get in touch with YOPRST! Our team will prepare several script options for you. The music video production services will be delivered under your supervision and within the agreed timeframe. We use the Frame.io service to show you the footage directly from the shoot.

Describe your music video production needs, and we’ll take care of the rest

See what our music video production company can do for you

Music video production is a multi-stage process, with each stage contributing to the final result. As a company offering full-cycle music video production services, we can handle all of these processes in house.

Order a music video

We create compelling and highly original scripts for music video production. A well-told story ensures that your music video will leave a lasting impression on both long-time fans and new viewers.

This results in more streams of your tracks, YouTube views, a larger organic reach, and an increase in your popularity.

Location scouting

Our location manager will find the ideal locations to ensure your music video production runs smoothly. They me­ti­cu­lous­ly evaluate each site to guarantee it aligns perfectly with your creative vision.

By handling location scouting, we save your time and find exactly what you need to bring daring creative concepts to life.

As part of our comprehensive and tailored music video production services, we will seek out skilled actors who match the director’s exact specifications, adding depth, life, and emotion to your story.

We will then send you a curated list of candidates for approval, negotiate their fees, and handle all necessary paperwork.

Professional, dynamic, and high-quality video pro­duc­tion & edi­ting services from YOPRST can help you effortlessly capture viewers’ attention and significantly increase views and plays.

Our editors sync the footage to the music’s rhythm and use effects to make each video shine on YouTube and socials.

Color correction is an essential and transformative aspect of music video production because it enhances the mood of the music, emphasizes emotions, and highlights key moments.

Proper color correction can transform the video’s atmosphere – this is where our music video production company shines.

Special effects

Michael Jackson’s music video cost $7 million and used effects. As a professional music video production company, YOPRST can enrich your video with VFX, SFX, or CGI – depending on your budget.

Affordable prices.
Easy to choose

Music video production services may be less expensive than you think – provided your creative partner offers flexible pricing options and plans. You can order a video of any complexity and almost any budget; just talk to our manager about it.

Order a music video

Basic video

For beginners, from

$990 Ready in 1 day
Perfect for beginner and in­de­pen­dent mu­si­cians and tho­se who ha­ve their own crea­ti­ve ideas for a mu­sic vi­deo that just ne­ed to be ex­pert­ly well-executed.
  • Client’s ideas
  • 1 DP
  • Sony A7s III camera
  • Natural light
  • No drone
  • 1 hour of editing
  • Quick color correction
Choose this one

Standard video

Small budget, from

$1990 Ready in 1 week
A video will be shot with a di­rec­tor who will pro­po­se three uni­que con­cepts. Per­fect for mu­si­cians who ne­ed a high-qua­li­ty mu­sic vi­deo at a rea­so­nab­le price.
  • We will offer 3 concepts
  • 1 DP, 1 director
  • BMPCC 6K camera
  • 1 light
  • No drone
  • 2 hours of editing
  • 1 hour of color correction
Choose this one

Professional video

Medium budget, from

$3290 Ready in 2 weeks
The team will include a di­rec­tor, DP, pro­duc­ti­on de­sig­ner, gaf­fer, ma­ke­up ar­tist. This is a vi­deo ex­pert­ly crea­ted by a pro­fes­sio­nal te­am on a li­mi­ted budget.
  • We will offer 5 concepts
  • A team of 5 people
  • RED Komodo 6K camera
  • 5 lights
  • 1-hour drone flight
  • 5 hours of editing
  • 5 hours of color correction
Choose this one

Full production

Costs starting from

$5490 Ready in 4 weeks
No limitations on ideas; we can rea­li­ze any crea­ti­ve vi­si­on using top-tier equip­ment. It’s ex­pen­si­ve, ta­kes a long ti­me, but the re­sults will tru­ly impress.
  • Turnkey services
  • A full-fledged team
  • ARRI Alexa Mini camera
  • Any lighting equipment
  • Any drone
  • Editing of any complexity
  • Any color correction
Choose this one

Basic video

For beginners, from

$990 Ready in 1 day
Perfect for beginner and in­de­pen­dent mu­si­cians and tho­se who ha­ve their own crea­ti­ve ideas for a mu­sic vi­deo that just ne­ed to be ex­pert­ly well-executed.
  • Client’s ideas
  • 1 DP
  • Sony A7s III camera
  • Natural light
  • No drone
  • 1 hour of editing
  • Quick color correction
Choose this one

Standard video

Small budget, from

$1990 Ready in 1 week
A video will be shot with a di­rec­tor who will pro­po­se three uni­que con­cepts. Per­fect for mu­si­cians who ne­ed a high-qua­li­ty mu­sic vi­deo at a rea­so­nab­le price.
  • We will offer 3 concepts
  • 1 DP, 1 director
  • BMPCC 6K camera
  • 1 light
  • No drone
  • 2 hours of editing
  • 1 hour of color correction
Choose this one

Professional video

Medium budget, from

$3290 Ready in 2 weeks
The team will include a di­rec­tor, DP, pro­duc­ti­on de­sig­ner, gaf­fer, ma­ke­up ar­tist. This is a vi­deo ex­pert­ly crea­ted by a pro­fes­sio­nal te­am on a li­mi­ted budget.
  • We will offer 5 concepts
  • A team of 5 people
  • RED Komodo 6K camera
  • 5 lights
  • 1-hour drone flight
  • 5 hours of editing
  • 5 hours of color correction
Choose this one

Full production

Costs starting from

$5490 Ready in 4 weeks
No limitations on ideas; we can rea­li­ze any crea­ti­ve vi­si­on using top-tier equip­ment. It’s ex­pen­si­ve, ta­kes a long ti­me, but the re­sults will tru­ly impress.
  • Turnkey services
  • A full-fledged team
  • ARRI Alexa Mini camera
  • Any lighting equipment
  • Any drone
  • Editing of any complexity
  • Any color correction
Choose this one

Music video production services

Our music video pro­duc­tion company has many re­pe­at cus­to­mers, which pro­ves our pro­fes­sio­na­lism and ex­per­ti­se. Here’s what our clients say.

Music video production anywhere in Europe, always on time

Music video production services for artists across all genres

When considering music video production services, pay close attention to the production team’s portfolio. Choosing the right music video production company is crucial. If there is no trust, common ground, and shared creative vision, you’ll end up being disappointed. Not because the music video production is bad, but because your music may not match the video’s aesthetic.

Ask for a showreel or review the music video production company’s portfolio on their website before making a decision. To deliver a creatively executed music video, the team must include scriptwriters and creative specialists. Their expertise determines how quickly they can come up with an original idea that resonates with the client. Often, music video production companies operate on a limited budget, so efficiency is essential.

Shooting a music video without industry knowledge can be challenging, as you risk overpaying or hiring an inexperienced team. In the first case, you might receive a budget estimate that includes equipment or specialists you could do without. In the second case, you may end up working with a music video production company that lacks the necessary experience or creative skills. As a result, the music video production process may not go as planned.

A simple yet beautiful music video

“I have known the operator from YOPRST for years and have collaborated with him on several music videos. This time, for our band's new single, we wanted to make a simple video that perfectly complemented the music. The result was exactly what we expected – a simple yet beautiful music video.”

Vladimir Pugach

Lead Singer · J:MORS

Shooting a second music video

“This time, we shot a music video in a completely different style. The operator took on the directing role, as his idea seemed the most interesting. We filmed the video in a single day at an old factory and its surroundings. We’re very satisfied with the outcome and will definitely continue this collaboration.”

Alexander Ilyin

Lead Singer · NIZKIZ

A captivating music video

“I’m thrilled that my artistic path crossed with such wonderful, talented people who helped create this music video. I believe the music video serves as a powerful reminder that in difficult times, we frequently lack the will to act. But we must pull ourselves together, find strength within, and keep moving forward.”

Helena Zuy-Wojciechowska

Lead Singer · ZUI

A music video shot in one day

“We chose this challenging approach because the project brought together an amazing team, and the video itself promised to be very intriguing. We traveled far out of town with the crew, musical instruments, and equipment, took over an abandoned castle, and shot a fantastic music video in just one day.”

Sergey Dolgushev

Lead Singer · Vyraj

Executing a complex idea

“Guys carried out innovative ideas with precision and dedication, which imp­res­sed me greatly. The music video turned out to be exactly what we were aiming for – simple yet unsettling to the viewer. Once again, I’m convinced of the talent of the team. I’m excited to collaborate with them again in the future.”

Anastasia Shpakovskaya

Lead Singer · NAKA




pros on
our team

How we approach music video production?

Discover the music video production stages with our team

Our music video production company has developed a meticulous, reliable process to guarantee the timely completion of music videos. Every new project goes through the same stages: creative, production, and post-production.

Order a music video

To order a music video, contact our professional music video production company on Telegram at @yourproduction and share your vision. It’s also essential to send the full track so we can understand its mood and plan the appropriate atmosphere for the video. A video doesn’t always have to mirror the song’s lyrics, but it should capture its overall vibe.

A music video can convey the emotions of the musician and their message. If we achieve this, we can consider the music video production a success, and clients will appreciate their choice of YOPRST. The key is for the artist to communicate openly with the video director. Effective communication makes the project easier to execute and improves the final result.

Music video production is always a complex and responsible process that involves many specialists. If a record label pushes for a script that doesn’t align with the artist’s vision or the director’s recommendations, even the best music video production company may deliver an average video. As a result, the music video production process becomes more challenging.


At the brie­fing sta­ge, we cap­tu­re your mu­sic vi­deo pro­duc­ti­on vi­si­on to rep­li­ca­te ac­cu­ra­tely

1. Order placement

Submit your request, and our manager will contact you, or fill out a detailed project questionnaire – the brief.

2. Brief

It’s best if you fill out the brief. A full brief suits agencies and production teams, while a short brief works for clients.

3. Concepts

Our music video company creates detailed treatments based on the brief, your ideas, and the script (if available).


The treatment is an es­sen­ti­al for mu­sic vi­deo pro­duc­ti­on, com­bi­ning cli­ent and di­rec­tor ideas

4. Moodboard

The director prepares a moodboard – a collection of frames – to showcase the mood and style of your music video.

5. Treatment

The moodboard forms the script’s foundation. The director creates a storyboard, and the producer drafts costs.

6. Contract

We review your feedback, make adjustments, and finalize the contract. Once signed, music video production begins.


Music vi­deo pro­duc­ti­on is the most cri­ti­cal and high­ly de­man­ding sta­ge of the en­ti­re pro­ject

7. Development

This phase involves assembling the production team, securing ideal filming locations, and refining the script.

8. Preproduction

During pre-production, we prepare locations, conduct lighting and camera tests, and create shooting plans.

9. Production

The filming process begins. We securely store recorded material on reliable storage and pass it on for post-production.


The footage is ca­re­ful­ly han­ded over to spe­cia­lists for edi­ting, ef­fects, and sound design

10. Post-production

We create an initial edit, color correction, add effects, sound, music, and then send the project to you for review.

11. Final adjustments

We create the final polished version of the music video with watermarks and make any last-minute changes if needed.

X. Delivery

After payment, YOPRST delivers the master copy and alternate versions. We look forward to your positive review!

Your questions.

How to order?

Submit your request using the form on our website. Please include source materials, references, ideas, and the script or logline for music video production. You can also fill out one of our briefs, and our manager will contact you after reviewing the provided information.

What's the cost?

Our music video production company provides personalized quotes for each new project based on your inquiry or the preliminary brief submitted via one of the forms on our website. You can also check out our article on how much it costs to shoot a music video.

Get a discount?

When providing music video production services, we give a 5% discount to clients previously completed projects worth more than €100,000. Our newsletter subscribers get a 1% discount. Also, there’s a 10% discount for record labels, artist managers, and production teams.

How long it takes?

Typically, we shoot music videos in a single shift to minimize expenses and prevent overtime. More complex and high-budget projects may require additional time. In every case, our music video production company fine-tunes processes to maximize efficiency.


Likes and comments on our music videos are the most valuable feedback. We are always ready to go the extra mile to keep all our clients happy. If you haven’t yet chosen YOPRST for your music video production needs, feel free to share your opinion as a viewer.

Your clients?

As a music video production company, we’ve worked with artists from various countries. Our clients include Filip Lato, Mikromusic, NIZKIZ, J:MORS, Lyapis Trubetskoy, NAKA, ICEON, NATE, Vyraj, Zmicier Vajciuszkevicz, ZUI, IRDORATH, Lito, and Milan Mamedov.

Have a rental?

Besides providing music video production services, we have our own film equipment rental department. You can rent any filming gear – cameras, lenses, lighting – to bring your dream music video to life. For partners, there’s a discount of up to 30% (with receipts and invoices).

How do I pay?

We process the payment for music video production services in three stages. Our clients pay 30% of the total sum upfront for concept development, 50% before the music video production process begins, and the remaining 20% upon the delivery of the final video with watermarks.

Am I in control?

To ensure that every video meets the highest standards, our video production company tracks each stage of the process in a CRM system. Clients have access to all project details, which allows them to clarify any issues early on. In practice, we’ve never had any such issues!

We make
music video production easy.

Let’s create something truly awesome for your fans
Get in touch