
Interview Video Pro­duc­tion

Filming interviews with one or more interlocutors is one of the most popular genres in YouTube videos. Despite its apparent simplicity, filming interviews is quite complex. See how this works in practice.

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Interview Video Production

Professional interview filming will al­low you to start con­que­ring You­Tube and be­co­me a po­pu­lar blogger.

We organize interviews with filming on several cameras in any country

Filming a video interview varies depending on the problem you need to solve. For example, you need to make a video for YouTube channel. Or you want to make your content more diverse and decide to explore this genre. In any case, if you cannot do it yourself, you need to order an interview from professionals.

Our team can go to any location with equipment to film an interview with one or more interlocutors. We have a full set of equipment for filming and transmitting it online to your YouTube channel. We can also easily find and equip a studio for filming interviews, fill it with props and set up the correct lighting.

We can film interviews with several cameras, as well as a copter if you need to film a turnkey interview. If you don’t have your own host, then this can be our person who will ask questions. In cases where we cannot go to the location with the main equipment, we can organize an online interview. Filming a video interview with YOPRST will be convenient, and you will definitely like the result.

Filming interviews will di­ver­si­fy your con­tent and ma­ke your pro­ject mo­re in­te­res­ting and po­pu­lar. Our pro­duc­ti­on team will be ab­le to pro­fes­sio­nal­ly film the interview.

Successful filming of an interview depends not only on the interviewer and the interlocutor

If your goal is to film an online interview, then our employee will arrive with a basic set of equipment. Some of the frames will be recorded from a laptop camera or webcam, and half from a regular camera on a tripod. This will create a switching effect and make the content look more professional.

In the case of an online interview, lighting can be used in a minimal setup, since you need to get the effect of carelessness in the frame. It’s as if we caught the moment and the interlocutor was about to prepare and immediately joined the conversation. In fact, the preparation is still there, since the radio system still needs to be installed.

Our team can organize the filming of an interview completely on a turnkey basis, so you don’t need to worry about light, sound, video. We will do everything ourselves, and you can be proud of the content you create with our help. If you need to order an interview, then write to our chat. The manager will contact you within a day.

How to order an interview?

Write us a message with a request to film an interview in our chat. Attach links to references, script and interview questions. The manager will receive the application and within 24 hours will send a brief, which you will need to fill out and send back to us.

How long does it take to film an interview?

The duration of filming an interview depends on the length of the finished video. For example, if you need X number of minutes of edited interviews, multiply that number by two and add two hours. This is how long our team’s work will take on average.

If you are not satisfied with the result?

If you carefully fill out the brief and we think through and agree with you on all the questions for the interviewer, then the result will be predictably good. Surprises can only await us in the interlocutor’s reaction to the interviewer’s questions and interruption of communication with him.

Is it possible to change interviews on the fly?

Filming interviews is one of the most unpredictable genres. The interlocutor may not answer all questions, but we are obliged to ask, in addition to stopping the filming of the interview at the request of the interlocutor. The interviewer can also ask his own questions if the main ones are over.

Is it possible to interrupt filming?

If the client wants to stop work on the project, this can be done without payment before signing the contract. If the contract has been signed and development or preparation for filming the interview has already been carried out, then the client is obliged to pay for the video pro­duc­tion & edi­ting services completed to date.

Can a client interfere with filming?

In most cases, filming goes on non-stop without breaks, so that the interlocutor does not break away from the process. The client cannot, without additional payment and re-coordination of documents, make changes that deviate from those already agreed with us.

Force majeure on filming

Interviews with video shooting usually follow an approved plan. However, force majeure can always arise when the interlocutor does not want to continue filming due to difficult issues. We cannot prepare for this in advance, and the client must take this into account.

Overconsumption and rework

If the interview with the filming of the video did not go according to plan and its size was increased at the request of the interviewer, then this will not be considered rework. But if additional questions arise at the request of the client, then the additional time must be paid.

Interviews in conflict zones

If the client requires an interview with video shooting in conflict zones or hot spots, then our team is ready to implement them. To the basic cost for the work, you will need to add the cost of insurance for all team members and a correction factor.




pros on
the team

Filming interviews

See how interview video production can be useful for you.

Our team will relieve you of the hassle of filming

Our specialists are capable of filming video interviews for bloggers on YouTube. Cameramen will first go to the location, inspect the filming locations and select excellent shots. On the day of filming, the team will first meet at the location and prepare for work. When the interviewee and interviewer arrive on site, the sound engineer will install the radio systems.

The filming of the video interview will begin at the appointed time and, unless there is a force majeure situation, will also be completed as planned. We try to do everything according to the approved schedule, so we value the time of our guests and the film crew. And thanks to the CRM system we use, all tasks can be completed on time.


Turnkey interview filming services

Give us a task, and our team will perform any interview filming services in a given country in the world. It’s not a problem for us to fly anywhere in the world to take interesting shots for you. Filming interviews is available in any season.

Turnkey work allows you to save you from problems with this genre, since we can film interviews on a turnkey basis without asking unnecessary questions.


Filming interviews in unusual situations

Filming interviews in unusual situations is also not a problem for our team. Non-standard situations include urgent filming of interviews, when you need to quickly and efficiently film the necessary material. Our cameramen are ready for any filming.

In addition, filming interviews in hot spots or conflict zones also imposes certain risks that we can work with.


There is a full set of equipment

If you need to order an interview with video shooting from professionals, we recommend working with YOPRST. Our team has extensive experience and has filmed interviews for top bloggers. Don’t doubt that your footage will be interesting.

The company has a full set of equipment for filming interviews: cameras, optics, lighting and sound. Our offer will be profitable, and filming interviews will be creative.


We will film the interview on time

Our team uses modern CRM systems to set and track the tasks of each employee. It helps to video the entire flow of tasks for a project and control its delivery date. If the shooting of a video interview did not go according to plan, the system will tell us.

Each client will be able to track the progress of their project with us and will be confident that we will not let them and their business down.


We’ll film interviews with celebrities

Filming video interviews with celebrities requires intelligence from the interviewer, which is why we collaborate with various conference and event presenters. Filming a video interview with us will be comfortable for celebrities.

We will work out and agree with you on creative and at the same time concise questions that will maintain the pace of the interview and will not put the celebrity in an uncomfortable position.


Do you want to film the interview yourself? We will train

If you are planning to start filming interviews yourself and need help from the team at the initial stage, send a message to our corporate chat. We will help you at the initial stage and offer partnership if the experience of working together is positive.

Drop us a line
to discuss filming the interview.

Let's film an interview together for a million views
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