

The word casting excites the minds of young actors and makes the masters of this profession shudder. There are nicer words like “testing”, “self-testing” or “let’s work deeper into your role.” Casting of actors is organized by a casting manager who is on the staff of large video production companies. This person knows where to find the actor the director needs and often gets him out of the ground. At any time of the day, in any condition. He does not hesitate to call at night and during the day, for which he is hated by all the actors. But kindly agree to come and arrive at the specified time. More venerable actors can take time to think.

But if the director has a name and status, usually the waiting time is 3, 2, 1, a knock on the door. The Holy Trinity determines the character’s type, looks through all the actors, evaluates again and invites you to the final meeting to get to know the actor in more detail and discuss his role. Often the director works with the actors personally and discusses their vision of the role. There is a dialogue, the actor offers the director the version of the character that he could see in the script. At this stage, the final character is born, which does not belong to either the director or the actor. It already belongs to the film, it is the result of a common effort.

Casting actors

Is it so difficult to conduct a casting of actors, as it seems at first glance? Yes, it is actually a very complex and lengthy process. There are several reasons for this. First, the schedule of the actors may not coincide with the desired shooting dates of the team. This is one of the most common reasons why actors refuse interesting projects. Secondly, the actor may simply not like the project, or simply does not want to work with this director or team. Not all people can find a common language with each other. Communication does not occur immediately, and the director and the actor will have to go through a difficult path until they open themselves to each other.

If this happens, then the symbiosis of these creators gives birth to cinema masterpieces on the screen. An example is Tarantino, who often chooses the same actors, Tim Burton or Wes Anderson. Of course, these are very talented directors, but less successful colleagues have a similar story with actors. Casting actors for them comes down to the question of whether this or that actor can time. The director can even change the shooting schedule so that his character is played by the desired actor. In general, the desire of the director is the law. But sometimes it’s not up to the laws, so if the actor doesn’t succeed, you have to choose who is.

Organization of castings

The organization of castings in film production takes a little time in relation to pre-production. Usually, from the moment the final director’s script is approved, the casting of actors starts immediately. They are searched for in telegram channels, in chat rooms of filmmakers and by sarafan. In addition, a simple mailing to agents helps to quickly get a response. If people know each other personally, then the easiest way is to immediately call directly. This simplifies the process, and in small projects this is often the case. But that’s the way it is with big shots. Tarantino can easily call Tim Roth or Harvey Keitel and invite him to his new film.

Of course, they will not refuse their friend, with whom several coolest works were filmed. The organization of castings in different countries differs in its principle. In the CIS, this is usually a sundress plus mailing announcements. In Europe and the USA, this is often the work of agencies or agents or managers among themselves. Every actor with an above-average income hires a manager, or an interested manager comes to the actor himself and offers his services. One way or another, the process is put on stream there. In our reality, you can quickly recruit actors by acquaintance or through telegram channels. Order video production and editing services, and we will help you with casting.