Drone videography services are provided by qualified pilots who hold an NSTS-06 license, which allows them to operate heavy quadcopters and fly over large crowds. Discover how our drone video production company can elevate the quality of your commercials, corporate films, and music videos.
Drone videography services for businesses, artists, and content creators, delivered on time, on budget, and up to spec.
We offer drone video services using professional quadcopters for film and TV
Aerial videography services
Our company specializes in aerial videography and photography services. Based in Warsaw, we also collaborate with clients from Łódż, Poznań, Krakow, Gdansk, and other Polish cities, as well as neighboring countries like Germany, Czechia, and the Baltics. No matter where you come from, we can help you capture breathtaking images from a bird’s-eye view.
Drone videography services are heavily regulated. In order to fly over cities, for instance, a pilot must possess at least a NSTS-02 license, which is mandatory for all drones weighing more than 0.9 kilograms. For heavier drones, an NSTS-06 license is needed. Regulations aside, drone video production specialists should have a good understanding of composition and color theory; otherwise, you won’t get that “cinematic” look.
Before partnering with a drone video production company, think about how your idea will be visually represented. You should then communicate your vision to the drone pilot so that they can create a flight plan. YOPRST offers drone services for land development, urban planning, agriculture, real estate, construction, and other projects.
Aerial videography services in Poland and across the European Union
Drone video services across all quality tiers
Your drone video production needs may vary – but we’ve got you covered
We offer aerial drone photography and videography services tailored to your needs. Drone services for real estate, including shots of neighborhoods, residential areas, or plots, can significantly boost your sales. The YOPRST team can also help you create stunning drone footage for promotional videos, advertisements, and music videos across any genre.
Footage captured with DJI drones enhances every video. You can achieve a variety of intermediary shots that draw the viewer’s attention to the subject. Additionally, you can discover unique perspectives you may have never even dreamed of before. Of course, everything depends on whether drone services are permitted at the specific location. However, if restrictions apply and the flight is essential, we can assist in obtaining all necessary permits.
Our drone video production company registers all of our equipment and ensures that all of our pilots have the proper certifications and undergo regular training. Drone videography services are immensely popular, especially among YouTubers. Almost every vlogger has used a drone in their videos at least once. That’s why it’s worth ordering drone services, even just once, to elevate your video content.
Tell us what you need drone videography for, and we’ll handle the rest.
Explore what’s included in our drone services
Drone video production is a multistage process. Some services are sold in packages for a set price, while others can be ordered separately. For example, drone video services for advertising do not include color correction.
Reasonable prices.
Easy choice
Our drone videography services are affordable to everyone, thanks to an excellent selection of equipment and a variety of packages. At YOPRST, you can order any type of drone flight and discuss the specifics of your project with our manager.
Drone videography and photography services
Considering ordering drone services from us again? That means our team did an excellent job! Here’s what our satisfied clients have to say.
Aerial photography to present objects in the best way
Our drone videography services are provided by certified pilots
Drone services are associated with certain risks. For example, during a flight, a signal may be lost, causing the drone to fly erratically and possibly collide with a car or pedestrian. That’s why drone photography services should always be provided by a licensed pilot – their skills are crucial for ensuring the safety of people and the protection of property. If you’re considering drone services, check the pilot’s license in the appropriate registry for peace of mind.
It’s also advisable to purchase additional insurance for accidents and property damage. The cost of such insurance is relatively low compared to the potential expenses of repairing a car that a drone might fall on. Without proper preparation, aerial drone video services can become very costly. Aerial videography services in cities can be conducted both within the pilot’s line of sight (VLOS) and beyond it (BVLOS).
The type of license the pilot or drone video production company holds affects the feasibility and cost of such operations. A BVLOS license is typically more expensive, whereas a standard VLOS license suffices for the majority of drone video services. It is worth noting that during a flight, a client may unexpectedly request additional aerial photography services that were not previously planned. In such cases, having a BVLOS license can prove highly beneficial.
A guide to our drone video production services
Here are the stages of drone video production with our team
Our drone videography services are delivered in accordance with a failsafe plan that prioritizes efficiency, streamlines processes, and ensures that the final product meets our clients’ expectations.
Drone video services with YOPRST
If you seek expert drone videography services for a music video, commercial, or promotional video project, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with flight regulations. In areas where you plan to film with a drone, flight restrictions may apply (e.g., near airports). Violating these restrictions could result in hefty fines. This can be avoided by understanding and adhering to the rules beforehand – and collaborating with an experienced drone video production company.
At airports, the restricted zone extends 5 km from the runways. You cannot film or take photos with a drone in this area without official permission from airport authorities, nor can you fly the drone above 120 meters. Within a 5 km radius beyond this zone, flights below 30 meters are permitted if the drone weighs less than 900 grams. Flying higher in this zone may be noticed and reported. That’s something you need to keep in mind when using professional drone video services.
We strongly advise against conducting drone filming without proper permits. To order aerial photography services, contact our manager on Telegram at @yourproduction and describe your needs. If you require real estate drone services, a basic drone with a few filters will suffice. For music videos or films, however, a professional cinema drone, such as any series of the DJI Inspire, is required. In all cases, you will need a licensed pilot and the necessary flight permits.
Your questions.