
Drone Videography Services

Drone videography services and other aerial photography services are performed by professional pilots with licenses up to NSTS-06 for heavy quadcopters and over large crowds. See how this works in practice.

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Aerial videography services

Filming from a drone will imp­ro­ve your vi­de­os. Aerial pho­to­gra­phy from a quad­cop­ter will help you in other areas.

We will provide aerial photography services for professional and film copters

Filming from a quadcopter in YOPRST is performed by a certified pilot with licenses for certain types of flights. For example, to film from a copter over a city, you must have a license of at least NSTS-02. It is needed if filming from a copter is carried out with a drone weighing up to 900 grams. If you will be filming from a copter using a heavy copter, you will need an NSTS-06 license.

If you want to order aerial photography from a quadcopter, you must understand exactly what you want to shoot. You should discuss this information with the copter pilot so that he can create a flight plan. There are a variety of aerial photography services. Photography from a copter can be used to survey buildings. You can also order aerial photography for the sale or rental of your property.

An object shown from its best sides will be sold or rented faster or for more money. Aerial photography of objects does not require the skills of a copter cameraman, so it can be carried out by any licensed specialist. If you need aerial photography from a quadcopter for a video clip, advertising or film, you need a pilot with film experience. He definitely knows the basics of composition and controls the copter smoothly to achieve a cinematic look.

Drone photography services

Drone videography services are re­gu­la­ted by law. If you want to or­der aeri­al pho­to­gra­phy for your com­mer­cials, mu­sic vi­de­os, se­ri­es or films, you should just hi­re our spe­cia­lists with copters.

Aerial photography of objects, which will help present them in the best possible way

If you need to order aerial photography services, you must study the flight rules. In areas where you need to organize filming from a copter, there may be flight bans. If filming from a quadcopter in the current zone is prohibited and has certain restrictions, then a fine is possible. You can avoid it if you study the flight rules in advance and adhere to them. For example, you will be prohibited from filming with a quadcopter near the airport.

At the same time, the prohibited zone is located within a radius of 5 km from the runways. You cannot fly without the approval of the airport management and fly above 120 meters. Within a radius of 5 km from this zone, you can fly below 30 meters with a mass of <900 grams. If you fly higher, no one will notice, but getting into the zone will be visible.

To order aerial photography services, write to our manager via telegram @yourproduction and describe your task. If you need aerial photography of an area, you will need a simple copter and a couple of filters. If you need to shoot from a copter for a video or film, then you will need a film copter. In all cases, you will need a pilot with a license and permission to fly.

How to order aerial photography?

Send a message with your application to our chat. It will be a big plus if you include in your message a link to a video with a similar flight that needs to be filmed from the copter. The manager will receive your application and contact you within 24 hours to discuss the flight.

How long does the flight last?

Each shooting from a quadcopter has a different complexity, which depends on the flight path and the presence of obstacles. If filming from a copter takes place in a city, then the duration and number of flights will be higher due to the presence of people, cars, buildings and trees.

If you are not satisfied with the result?

The more accurately the flight is coordinated and the more references we receive before departure, the greater the likelihood that filming from a copter will be successful. To eliminate the risk of dissatisfaction with our work, we recommend sending a client representative to the pilot.

Is it possible to change the flight plan?

It is allowed to make changes to the flight plan one time before signing the contract without additional payment. In this case, the departure point should be no further than 500 meters from the original one. Otherwise, the client pays an additional 50% of the agreed contract amount.

How to stop filming from a copter?

Flight plan development may be terminated by the client without payment until the contract is signed. If the contract has already been signed, then the client is obliged to pay for the aerial photography services performed to date by the involved employees in accordance with the flight plan and estimate.

Can the client interfere with the flight?

Filming from a quadcopter proceeds in accordance with the signed documents, refs, and flight plan. The client and his representatives cannot, without additional payment, insist on changes that deviate from the approved documents. After takeoff, changes are prohibited.

Force majeure on filming

Filming from a quadcopter is going according to plan, but there are force majeure situations. A bird attack or an undetected cable can damage the copter. For force majeure situations with the main copter, we have a spare one. If it is damaged, the shooting from the copter will be postponed.

Overconsumption and rework

If, while shooting from a copter, the client needed to take more frames or an additional take, then rework is paid at the agreed contract price in excess of the agreed time. This is agreed upon in writing at the location after interrupting the flight.

Flying in restricted areas

If the client needs to film from a copter in prohibited areas without prior approval, he undertakes to pay a double deposit for the equipment in the amount of its full cost and the amount of fines, which is returned after a successful flight.




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the team

Drone video services

Our copter photography sol­ves ma­ny problems.

See how else drone photography can help you


Aerial photography services for real estate

Our video production company can provide various aerial photography services for clients with different objectives. If you need shooting from a quadcopter to sell real estate, a house, a cottage, then contact us.

Filming from a copter will make your ad more attractive to the client. Aerial photography services will help you sell your property faster and at a higher price.


Aerial photography at a concert

To conduct aerial photography at a concert, you will need the most stringent license available, namely NSTS-06. It involves training a pilot to fly over crowds of people on a copter weighing up to 25 kg.

Our pilots have such a license and have been trained in the CIS and Europe. To take aerial photographs at a concert, you must obtain permission in advance.


Aerial photography of the agricultural sector

If you need aerial photography of fields, then we can provide these aerial photography services. The agricultural sector may need to check the density of fertilizer application or sowing of fields. Filming from a copter allows the farmer to check this.

Our licensed pilot will perform the flight and record the material on a high-definition camera. If necessary, we even use infrared cameras.


Shooting from a quadcopter exactly on schedule

We use modern CRM systems to deliver and control tasks. With it, all aerial photography services will be performed exactly according to the flight plan and on time. Each pilot sees documents and a flight calendar in the system.

The execution of tasks is controlled automatically. Therefore, you can be absolutely sure that the shooting from the copter and video pro­duc­tion & edi­ting services will be completed exactly on schedule.


Aerial photography for control

Construction companies and developers constantly need to monitor the progress of construction and monitor the implementation of individual works. Aerial photography of construction will help you check the quality of certain services from a previously inaccessible vantage point.

Nowadays, aerial photography services have become very accessible, despite the introduction of new bans by the state. Aerial photography of construction will solve many of your problems.


Do you want to provide aerial photography services? We will train

If you yourself want to provide aerial photography services, write us in chat. We will train your employees in international and local piloting standards. After training you will pass the pilot license exam A1, A2, A3.

Write to us
to discuss shooting with a copter.

Let's fly together where you can and cannot
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