
Live Streaming Production Services

The organization of online broadcasts and live broadcasts is now available on the channel of every blogger or opinion leader. Some you do yourself and don’t even notice it. See how this works in practice.

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Live streaming production services

Live streaming production services will help your business unite the audience around your brand and grow up.

Entrust the organization of live broadcasts to our team of professionals anywhere in the world

Webinars and seminars live streaming video production is a complex task that requires experience and expensive equipment. With the increase in equipment power and Internet speed, it has become possible to transmit a high-quality signal simultaneously from several cameras in the highest quality.

Organizing an online broadcast of an event begins with filling out a brief in which the client describes the event, the number of guests, and desired locations. Next, we select equipment, look at the signal quality at the location and draw up an estimate for the project. If the customer is satisfied with everything, we promptly sign the contract.

Organizing an online broadcast of a conference or lecture involves working in a university or conference room, where there is often interference and a weak signal. To solve this problem, it is necessary to include signal amplifiers or additional cellular modems in the estimate.

Do you host events? So, it’s worth ordering an online broadcast!

Read how online broadcasting can help you promote your business

To get customer attention faster, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors. Online broadcasts will help you with this.


Online webinars

Organizing online webinars is quite simple, since all the action already takes place on the Internet. If you own an online education school, then this will be a useful tool for you.

You will be able to record your webinar, overlaying various dies, graphics, and manually drawing conclusions from various interlocutors.


Online broadcasts of seminars

Streaming a seminar will help you increase your audience and find new clients without extra costs for renting a hall. Additionally, this will be a big plus for those who cannot come.

The client will simply open YouTube and turn on your online broadcast. Once you have made entries, you can send them out instead of contact information on the site, increasing your customer base.


Online broadcasts of master classes

Online broadcasts of master classes require more complex equipment, since many characters will be in motion. But in general, we can organize an online broadcast without any problems.

Training will take place without interruption and will not be interrupted by technical difficulties. Our team will discreetly support the broadcast and maintain the equipment.


Online broadcasts of lectures

In the countries of the former CIS, this approach is used quite rarely, but our video production company can organize online broadcasts of lectures, speeches and other events in the field of education.

We will place the equipment at your location and provide a reliable signal even in difficult working conditions.


Stream any video

We can organize streaming of any video on the Internet one-time or in a loop. If your team is running a long event, or you want to repeat it several times, then we can do it.

Organizing live broadcasts of this type will be simpler and cheaper than any other streaming, but requires experienced staff.


Do you want to learn how to stream yourself? Take our master class!

If your business involves live streaming production services, you should learn how to organize them yourself and purchase the necessary equipment. Write about this in our chat and we will offer a solution.

Live streaming video production

Use live streaming production services to gather audience opinions on various issues. You can also at­tract new cus­to­mers to any of your bu­si­ness and inc­rea­se its profits.

We organize streaming that will help your business increase its reach

Organizing online broadcasts of outdoor events requires the presence of portable or stationary modems. Often a mobile solution is placed in a backpack and the operator takes a comfortable position and, having received the signal, connects the cameras to the network.

Ordering an online broadcast from our company is very simple. All you need to do is fill out a basic brief on our website and briefly describe what will be broadcast and where. We will then draw up a detailed estimate for the project, and once approved, we can begin work.

Live streaming production services often take place without a script; only a framework plan is drawn up in advance, according to which the dialogue takes place. The stream is always limited in time, usually this is announced in advance to all participants. Exceeding the regulations is allowed, but is not encouraged.

Our team can help you choose a location for broadcast or organize a turnkey online broadcast, completely relieving you of all side tasks. You can concentrate on your business, and we will do the rest for you.

If you achieved your financial or marketing goals after your first broadcast, then this tool is working great in your segment. You need to continue and increase your reach by attracting new audiences and selling your product and services.

Our customer satisfaction index (CSI)





Organizing video broadcasts

Organizing video broadcasts, se­mi­nars and mas­ter clas­ses will ta­ke your bu­si­ness to a new hi­gher le­vel, be it on­li­ne edu­ca­ti­on or sel­ling of any goods or services.

Do you want to start streaming but have questions? We have prepared answers to the most common ones

The organization of live broadcasts can be carried out in studios, pre-prepared premises, but can also start on the street. This will require more expensive equipment, modems and transmitters, including portable ones. The level of equipment affects the reliability and continuity of the signal. The quality of the video in the broadcast depends on this.

Live streaming production services can bring many new customers who will buy your products or order services. This will bring you additional profit, significantly exceeding your costs for organizing the stream. Organizing live broadcasts today is one of the most effective ways to attract the attention of a large audience.

If the stream does not go according to plan, the material will always be recorded on disks, and our video production and editing services will help you save the material.

How to order a video broadcast?

Choose the topic of your speech to broadcast and think about what it will be about. Next, write to us in chat and list all your thoughts that came to you. Attach links to other broadcasts that you liked so that we can take the best from them.

What business is streaming suitable for?

The main segment for which the organization of online broadcasts is mandatory is online education, and training in general. Complex products and services, processes of technology companies, as well as HR departments of IT companies will also benefit from broadcasts.

What if streaming didn't work?

Everyone has failures, and you shouldn’t be upset about it. The lack of immediate results does not mean that success will not come later. The audience who did not make a purchase here and now can return later after watching one or two more streams.

What are the problems before the start?

Before the start of the project, problems can only arise in the relationship between the customer and the contractor on certain issues. For example, a customer wants to broadcast from a location where it is physically impossible to organize it or this would lead to additional risks.

What problems are there on stream?

The most common problem that arises during video broadcasting is the loss of connection or cellular network signal due to reasons beyond our control. In this case, the broadcast is interrupted, but the recording continues, and the stream is later restored from the recording.

How long will the preparation take?

Our team will need two calendar days to prepare the online broadcast. If a client wants to order a turnkey organization of an online broadcast with a choice of studio and decorative components, then the preparation period can vary from two to 14 days.

Force majeure on filming

The lack of Internet, which we talked about above, is a force majeure situation. We cannot influence it and prepare means to eliminate the consequences. Our team tries to hedge risks and prepares backup options to resolve them.

Overconsumption and rework

Before filming begins, the project estimate is submitted to the client for approval, and after preparation begins, the team tries to adhere to the estimated cost. If there is an overrun due to the fault or request of the client, the budget estimate is increased by an additional agreement.

Drop us a line to discuss
live strea­ming pro­duc­tion services.

Let's organize a stream of an important event together
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