
Our video production company crafts top-notch con­tent for your bu­si­ness or crea­ti­ve pro­jects. We shoot com­mer­ci­als, mu­sic vi­de­os and other ty­pes of vi­de­os all over the world.

We make videos that help you sell more products and services

YOPRST is a video production services company that develops video content for any promotional campaigns, from digital advertising to offline channels like TV and radio. Our team is based in Minsk and Warsaw but operates throughout the CIS and the whole of Europe.

Our specialists have vast experience working in the film industry at studios in Moscow and Minsk. They have produced numerous films, series, and music videos that are awe-inspiring. YOPRST is a full-cycle video production company, so rest assured: your project is in good hands.

We will come up with unique ideas that will stick in your client’s memory, take full responsibility for your project, and complete it in line with your requirements. This is possible because our video production agency utilizes a modern CRM system, so tasks are constantly monitored and completed on time.

Watch the video

The YOPRST video production firm is located in Warsaw and operates in all Europe and CIS countries. When creating video content, we use a combination of modern and vintage equipment to achieve the desired imagery.

Video production projects

/ Latest six



Our video production team decided to shoot a fashion commercial for a well-known clothing brand. Shooting a commercial was an interesting event for us, since we had not yet had any commercial...



Drone filming in the mountains is quite a risky business, but the video from the copter is mesmerizing in its beauty. On a good quadcopter, you can fly to places where you...

Filip Lato

Filip Lato

We filmed a music video for Polish pop singer Filip Lato – Close to You in the Arizona studio in Warsaw. We were given two weeks to fully produce the music video,...



Our video production company received an offer to shoot a music video for the indie band Mikromusic – Tenderness, which was a pleasant opportunity for us to work with our favorite Polish...



We managed to shoot a music video for a rock band TEMRA – Ultanula, working simultaneously in two countries. Part of our video production team shot the main part of the video...



The music video for the rapper NATE – Gebroulaz from Warsaw turned out to be simple and at the same time interesting. The team chose locations that reflected the vibe of the...

Our video production company col­la­bo­ra­tes with pro­fes­sio­nals who ha­ve uni­que ex­pe­rien­ce wor­king in va­rious crea­ti­ve stu­di­os. We can shoot al­most any pro­ject wi­thin your budget.

We are ready to shoot a commercial, music video, or interview in any country

YOPRST is a video production services company with a unique mix of skills — and a well of unconventional ideas that never runs dry. Originally from Minsk, our video production agency now has an office in Poland and takes on projects all across Europe.

Our video production company can put up a winning team of scriptwriters, directors, and cinematographers in mere days to ensure on-time, on-budget project delivery. And we support non-commercial initiatives, too, helping young directors bring daring ideas to life.

Our video production company has become a creative haven for individuals with a multi-faceted skill set. From commercials and short films to high-budged movies, there’s no project that is too challenging for YOPRST. Thanks to our proven expertise and vast experience in video production, we can assemble an expert team for your project faster than our competitors.

And we’re continuing to augment our crew with new talent! If you think you’re a good fit, message us in our client chat via this link. Our video production company’s philosophy is simple: we do not work with political organizations and governments (especially authoritarian ones!), never produce cringeworthy content, and always shelf projects that are meant to be shelved.

Skills coverage


Video production services

As a top video production agency, we aim to create content that sheds light on the problems of modern society. We don’t shy away from controversial, hot topics like abortion bans, LGBTQ rights, gender-affirming surgery, dictatorships, or war crimes.

Watch the video

Our video production studio wel­co­mes bra­ve ideas. We can even fund your pro­ject if it re­so­na­tes with our values.

We create content that hits close to home

Our video production services company is based in Warsaw and Minsk, which allows us to serve clients from both the EU and CIS. We offer flexible forms of collaboration considering our customers’ location, corporate policies, and region-specific tax regulations.

Our video creative video production company can take over projects with a modest budget starting from €500, medium-sized projects with a production budget of €5,000, or full-blown, high-financed initiatives.

YOPRST video production company sup­ports crea­ti­ve pro­jects and education.

Check out our projects, educational courses, and training sessions

To win our customers’ loyalty, we get involved in artistic ventures and aid directors in creating unique films. We continue to hone our skills through professional training and organize educational events for our trainees, partners, and video production amateurs.


/ 00 – 1

Music video production.
Dyshi – I don’t know

/ 00 – 2

Short film production.
Too late

/ 00 – 3

Cause marketing video production.
UNESCO — Auschwitz, a video commemorating the memory of the Holocaust victims


/ 00 – 4

Polupanov film school. 
Filmmaker-director. May Issue, 2022

/ 00 – 5

Polupanov film school. 
Director of photography. April Issue, 2022

Trainings and

/ 00 – 6

January 30, 2024.
This is the base. The fundamentals of photo and video shooting from a pro cinematographer. Course start February, 2024

/ 00 – 7

March 30, 2024.
Learn how to take photos and videos for marketplaces to increase your sales. Course start April, 2024

/ 00 – 8

April 15, 2024.
How to shoot for Dior on a budget? Course start April, 2024

and awards

/ 00 – 9

September 5-11, 2022.
DISFF Drama International Short Film Festival 

based on trust.

Collaboration that benefits both sides

If you’re looking to hire an EU-based full-cycle video production company, don’t look any further! We’re well-versed in making all types of video content, from TV series and feature films to short films, live streams, video ads, and educational content.

Our video production company can rapidly fulfill any order, and our scriptwriters will generate numerous script choices for producer approval. As soon as the final script version is selected, the shooting can commence.




pros on
the team

Clients re­com­mend our vi­deo pro­duc­ti­on company.

Become our client. Start a partnership that will last

They know marketing inside out

“We star­ted de­ve­lo­ping a coo­pe­ra­tion plan by col­lec­ting feed­back from the mem­bers of the pro­duc­ti­on team, who con­tri­bu­ted tons of ide­as for the mar­ke­ting and HR de­part­ment. We are wei­ghing in on the pro­po­sed con­cepts, se­lec­ting the ones we could pur­sue to launch a cam­paign. So far, so good!”

Andrew Klubnikin

Head of Content Department · ITRex™

Creative team

“We did a great job filming a non-com­­mer­­cial fes­ti­val short film. On this pro­ject, every­one did their best, put­ting their know­ledge and skills into prac­tice and lear­ning a lot from each other. The mem­bers of a crea­tive team should have a cons­tant de­sire to learn, and we as­semb­led exactly that type of te­am.”

Artur Lialiuha

Director · YOPRST™

Working for results

“The team aims for the best result, generative bold ideas 24/7 and managing the video production process end to end. We found a common language right after the initial meeting and sailed through the filming process. YOPRST is a video production agency that finds the right approach to every client.”

Nikita Lobosov

Marketing director · elredy™

Every video is special

“The production ma­na­gers we’ve worked with gra­dua­ted from our local film­ma­king school, attai­ning the qua­li­fi­ca­tions of a Director-Film­ma­ker and DOP. The guys are very intel­li­gent and know exactly what they want to see in the end. I would also com­ple­ment their abi­li­ty to think out­side the box.”

Andrew Polupanov

CEO · Polupanov film school™

Video production company blog

/ Latest three

We shot a medium-budget music video for the group IRDORATH. If you don't know how to make a music video, but want to try, read our guide. Don't want to shoot the video yourself? Then contact us in production. Write to our chat in Telegram @yourproduction
  • Andrei Klubnikin
  • Posted by Andrei Klubnikin
The price of shooting with a quadcopter depends on many factors, which we will discuss in this article. Want to know how much drone photography costs? Write to us in chat and tell you how much drone video cost!
  • Artur Lialiuha
  • Posted by Artur Lialiuha
Our DoP, Alex Aleinikov, offers practical advice for selecting a music video camera for low, mid, and high-budget projects. Chat with us!
  • Andrei Klubnikin
  • Posted by Andrei Klubnikin

Drop us a line
to discuss your project.

Let’s create something meaningful together