Commercials August 15, 2023


The commercial for an online education school Skillbox turned out to be short. At the same time, we managed to embed in it an important brand idea that every person can study the material independently. Moreover, Skillbox has made receiving material as convenient as possible for everyone thanks to its user-friendly website.

It doesn’t matter what field you are from or what education you have – an online school will help you quickly learn a new profession with a minimum of your time and money investments. Our promotional video was released in the traditional 16:9 format for YouTube and other platforms, as well as 9:16 for other social networks and other platforms.


Film a short commercial for online education school and edit it for different platforms. The video should unite the company’s clients and be suitable for the widest audience, since online learning services are accessible and can be useful to everyone.

A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction
A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction
A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Warsaw and Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction

⬤ 01. Challenge

Make a short budget commercial for an online education school.

A commercial for an online education school can be filmed in Minsk. If you want to make such a video yourself, then there is nothing difficult about it. Come up with an interesting idea, assemble a team of professionals from any production. Then write a detailed script for the video and start filming. Just remember to coordinate your filming with the city administration so that you are allowed to complete the video for the online school.

Filming commercials is often one of the most creative and expensive segments of video production per unit of video time. Only some music videos of top performers or blockbusters can be more expensive due to complex graphics and special effects.

The video was filmed in open locations and mostly in natural light. It was decided to increase the dynamics using editing and some active scenes. Since the locations were not agreed upon, the number of team members was minimal.

⬤ 02. Production and post

A commercial for an online education school is often shot on a large budget, while a promo – on a small budget.

A commercial for an online education school costs on average from two to 30 thousand euros, depending on the script and complexity of the idea. If the director has written a complex script with many scenes with many actors, the video will be expensive. Also, its cost will be impressive if there are many actors involved. Usually it is worth paying more attention to the viral part of the plot. The video from the Skillbox online education school was not expensive, but not cheap either.

Our video production company team shot a video for an online education school in two days, plus another week for post-production. Preparing the video took one week, during which we selected locations and conducted casting.

Since the shoot had a small crew, complex lighting techniques could not be used. The stunts were performed by a professional skydiver who also started training at Skillbox.

A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction
A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction
A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction
A commercial for an online education school was filmed in Minsk over two days by a small team. Do you want a commercial like this? Write to us on Telegram @youproduction


/ Color palette


R 67
G 72
B 62

Dirty money


R 184
G 156
B 135

Soft beige


R 215
G 212
B 201

Hopper plate


R 9
G 61
B 147

Blue corpo

The video for the online education school is painted in the color scheme of most of Villeneuve’s films with a little more saturation. Watch Sicario again and you will immediately find many similarities. The brand colors have been kept unchanged, so they look more saturated.

For color correction, we did not use grain or additional filters, but only noise reduction in frames where there was not enough light. The result is a clean and beautiful image.


/ Fonts

Graphik LC TT

Where we use
Brand logo

At the time of the video’s release, the trend for bold and dense fonts is supported, which may soon be replaced by thinner and more transparent ones.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Graphik LC TT

Where we use

A consistent and balanced font will increase your brand recognition and increase sales.

Graphik LC TT

Where we use

The fewer different fonts you use in your brand book, the easier it will be for customers to remember you.

⬤ 03. Equipment

A commercial for an online education school can be filmed using action cameras.

A good director will shoot a video for an online school in order to increase its profits. In such filming, you cannot follow the desire of some directors to prove themselves, because the main goal is money. The video should tell about the company’s advantages in the market and attract customer money. It is a mistake to believe that a video for an online education school with an unclear plot and hidden advantages will be able to earn money for the company.

The RED Komodo 6K is an excellent compact camera with a Super 35 sensor and REDRAW video format. Want to rent a RED camera? Write to us in chat.
ZEISS Classic ZE 50mm F1.4 is a good semi-mechanical optic (there are versions with a Nikon ZF and ZF2 mount with a mechanical diaphragm). Sharp in the center with a slight decline towards the edges and an interesting pattern. Looking to rent Zeiss optics? Write to us in chat.
Easyrig Vario 5 with Flowcine Sirena has an excellent camera unloading and stabilization system, its flexibility allows you to take it to any project. Get an Easyrig rental. Write to us in chat.

Whole setup

/ Name


/ 00 – 1

RED Komodo 6K, GoPro 12 Hero Black

/ 00 – 2

Zeiss ZE Classic 15mm F2.8, 25mm F2.0, 35mm F1.4, 50mm F1.4, 85mm F1.4

/ 00 – 3

Monitors, recorders.
SmallHD Cine 7


/ 00 – 4

Halogen fixtures.

/ 00 – 5

LED fixtures.
Astera Titan Tube

Sound recording

/ 00 – 6


/ 00 – 7


Rig, stubs, copters
and action cameras

/ 00 – 8

EasyRig Sirena, DJI Ronin RS2 Pro Combo

/ 00 – 9


The dream Team


— Alex Bobrov
director of &


— Leonid Gusar
lighting dir. &


— Pasha Rodionov
creative &


— Vanya Abramov

— Sasha Petrov

— Masha Ryazanova
girl with child

Festivals and awards

Oct 20, 2020

Sep 25, 2020

Sep 23, 2020

Opinion from outside

Nice project

“I worked in the production team, they do good and creative work. Often the customer needs to film his project quickly and inexpensively, but everyone understands that this does not happen. The picture looks good even taking into account the project’s budget precisely because the team has a lot of experience.”

Sasha Vavilov

Director of photography

I recommend

“Colleagues sent me a video. They told me to look at it because I needed to make a video for myself for my art workshop. I liked the work because everything is alive, there are no unnatural colors, the movements are smooth. Nice to see.”

Julia Brekman

Director · Brekmann™

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to discuss your project.

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