Every business needs commercials for a shoe store, especially Megatop. Today it is one of the largest shoe suppliers in the country. Each of his new shoe collections requires good promotion on the Internet, including through video advertising. Our company is ready to help with this and shoot a commercial for a shoe store.
The rich colors of the materials in the video will increase demand and allow you to sell products at a higher price. That is why it was necessary to create a creative advertising video to maintain audience interest in the new Yazep capsule collection of three pairs of shoes dedicated to the Belarusian artist and scientist Yazep Drozdovich.
To create a creative commercial in the best traditions of a large company, as well as to interest a new audience with a modern presentation of information. Associate a new product with vibrant colors and dynamic video editing, targeting an audience under 30.
⬤ 01. Challenge
Commercials for a shoe store will allow you to gain a new loyal audience.
Commercials for a shoe store is filmed to promote new collections, increase reach or audience loyalty. The goals of such advertising determine its content and form, what will be shown in it and how. In addition, the script for the video will depend on the audience we are targeting. After all, if our audience is young people under 25, then advertising can be more dynamic. And vice versa in the case of an older audience. Our production takes into account all these factors so that advertising for a shoe store is as effective as possible.
The production team rallied and started cutting the creative again. Since the capsule shoe collection consisted of three pairs, it was decided to make three accents and shoot three videos. One for each individual model.
When we started developing the script, it became obvious that we needed only one video, but hitting right on target. We decided to make it in the style of Yazep’s works.
⬤ 02. Production and post
Commercials for a shoe store with thoughtful images allows us to tell the viewer more.
When you produce professionally, every advertisement for a shoe store becomes effective. This means that it attracts customers who bring in profits significantly more than was spent on this advertising and promotion. It’s not enough to shoot the video itself; it still needs to be promoted; we’ll invest a lot of money in its placement. Where can I post the video? Of course, advertising for a shoe store should be on corporate websites, catalogues, YouTube, RuTube and similar services, and uploaded to Google Adwords. If you don’t know what to make a video about, but you need it, check out the Instagram of our production company YOPRST.
Any successful commercial that makes the viewer buy consists of several components: story, sound, picture, editing. Our video production company come up with a catchy story, fill it with images, and voila.
The viewer’s gaze clings to a juicy picture, metaphorical images cut into his memory, juicy colors focus on the main thing, and the sound hypnotizes.
Peachy #EA6849 | SCSS orange | ◯ |
R 234 G 104 B 73 |
Orange peach
Blue #4174AA | SCSS blue | ◯ |
R 65 G 116 B 170 |
Sky blue
Light green #81C7CE | SCSS green | ◯ |
R 129 G 199 B 206 |
Mint light
Black #0E1113 | SCSS black | ◯ |
R 22 G 22 B 26 |
Dark night
In this commercial we’ve shoot for Megatop, we used a cool color palette of blues and turquoises in contrast with warm colors, as we see on selected canvases by artist Jazep Drozdowicz.
Against the general background of a cold palette, we highlighted the advertised product with warm colors, thanks to which it will be remembered by potential viewers.
/ Fonts
Font Yazep
Where we use
At the time of the release of the video, the trend towards bold and dense fonts is supported, which will certainly soon change to thinner and more transparent ones.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
Font Yazep
Where we use
A good font will not make your video stand out from others, but it will allow it not to create a negative for the viewer.
Font Yazep
Where we use
No need to use a new font for every single element. The fewer different fonts, the better.
⬤ 03. Equipment
Commercials for a shoe store will be beautiful if you use a good setup.
When you’re making high-budget videos, you need to pay attention to the equipment. It should be as modern as possible in order to fulfill all the tasks of your client. Your advertising video for a shoe store should be bright, dynamic and reflect current market trends. If a buyer now responds better to advertising that emphasizes reliability, use it. If you need a low price, make a video with an emphasis on the low price. Of course, you don’t need to focus on low prices if you have a luxury shoe boutique, but you should think first of all about the preferences of your customers.
The dream Team
— Alex Bobrov
director &
— Yana Kalilaska
2AD &
— Sasha Zybailo
1AC &
focus puller
Prod. designers
— Max Crook
designer & 2AC
— Roma Klevzhits
creative &
— Vlad Popsenya
main character
Festivals and awards
Oct 20, 2020
Sep 25, 2020
Sep 23, 2020
Opinion from outside
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